
Jason Kohn is the band director at Woodbridge High School, in Woodbridge, NJ. During his time at Woodbridge he has helped to re-establish a strong sense of pride and discipline into the program and create great experiences for his students. His responsibilities at Woodbridge High School include teaching and leading the concert band, orchestra, marching band, jazz band, indoor percussion ensemble, pit band, and co-directing the district wind ensemble.

Jason received a Bachelors of Music Education from the University of Delaware with a concentration in Saxophone. While at UD, he studied with Todd Groves, Dr. Robert Streckfuss, Dr. Brian Stone, and Dr. Jon Conrad. Jason also performed under the direction of Dr. Streckfuss, Heidi Sarver, Tom Palmer and James Ancona.

Mr. Kohn began his marching career on saxophone and mellophone at Morris Knolls High School and continued to march those instruments at the University of Delaware. After graduating from UD, Jason marched with the Bushwackers (2009, 2010 Hornline Member of the Year) and Reading Buccaneers (2011,2012) After a brief hiatus from the marching arts, Jason is excited to “return home” and become a member of the Bushwacker’s visual staff.

Previously, Jason has served as a music teacher in Parsippany, New Jersey, a movement tech for the innagural year of Morris County Independent Winter Guard and as a visual and woodwind staff member for the Morris Knolls Marching Band.