Dennis Argul & Jim Dugan return for the 2016 Design Team

Returning to the corps for its 35th anniversary season, the Bushwackers Drum & Bugle Corps is pleased to welcome Dennis Argul and Jim Dugan back to the organization. Dennis will serve as the brass arranger and Jim will be the program coordinator.

Dennis Argul (photo:
Dennis Argul (photo:

Dennis is the supervisor of music for Elizabeth Public Schools and a freelance brass musician in the metropolitan area. He has been a music educator for over 25 years. Dennis is very active as a composer, arranger, clinician, and adjudicator for drum and bugle corps and marching bands throughout the United States.

In addition to being a DCI judge this past season, he has worked with the Cadets, the Connecticut Hurricanes, the Govenaires, Carolina Gold, the Sunrisers, the Caballeros, and High Country Brass.

Jim was part of the design team that brought the Bushwackers a large part of their six DCA world championships. His dedication and commitment to the corps during his tenure led directly to the success of the Bushwackers. From a percussion perspective and a show design perspective, he helped change drum corps in this competitive circuit.

Jim Dugan
Jim Dugan

“Bushwackers Hall of Fame members Dennis Argul and Jim Dugan are the perfect additions to the design team for the 35th anniversary of the corps. Dennis’s history as an educator here and outside of the corps gives him a great understanding of the design needs from every aspect of the organization, and Jim’s approach to show design will provide the corps with the best opportunity for competitive success. I’m looking forward to an exciting 2016 production and a show our members will be proud to perform,” said interim corps director Harlan Landes.

Sign up now to attend the 2016 Bushwackers Open House and Membership Day.

Learn more about the 2016 Bushwackers.

Join the 2016 Bushwackers Percussion Interest Group on Facebook.

Read more about Dennis Argul.