DCA Finals Results

The Bushwackers brought their 2019 Competitive Season to a hectic finish Labor Day Weekend in Williamsport, PA.

With heavy rains predicted for Sunday, the decision was made to move Finals up to saturday night, following the Preliminary competition in the morning. We’d like to thank DCA for making a difficult decision focused on the members’ safety, and also the Williamsport PD, FD, and EMS for adjusting to the last minute changes. And we’d especially like to thank the fans for their understanding, enthusiasm and flexibility!

The Corps finished the season in Fifth Place with a 91.625, and were 4th in both Percussion and Color Guard. A full recap is available on the Drum Corps Associates website. Congratulations to our friends at the Buccaneers and Carolina Gold on their Championships, we’re looking forward to seeing you again next Summer!