In the spring of 1982 three men drove up every weekend from Virginia to rehearse with our new corps. On their journey north they passed at least 3 other drum corps on their way to Harrison. They included soprano Louie Millhouse, baritone Carey Mitchell and baritone Dave Kapp.
They would park their car at Tri-Chem, jump out, get their horn cases out of the trunk and race into their set on the rehearsal field. It was difficult and embarrassing to be late to rehearsal when you had members like them. They did this throughout the spring and summer of 1982. Dave’s work ethic is the same today.
Dave played baritone in 1982, was drum major in 1983, was in the administration and continued in the hornline as a baritone or contra-bass/tuba. His Bushwacker career has spanned 3 decades.
He is the engineer and architect of stolen and un-stolen equipment trucks and trailers. He hasn’t met a piece of wood he couldn’t saw, drill or hammer through. He is drum corps answer to Bob Villa and This Old House, and we would be lost without him.
Under his leadership many members of the corps have learned valuable lessons from Dave. He is always fair and honest. He puts the corps first and himself a distant second. He can always be relied upon in good times and bad times.