Darrell’s color guard career started at the age of 15 when his high school marching band decided to add an all-male rifle line.
It continued into college where he became color guard captain for the Baylor University Golden Wave marching band.
He marched his age out year with The Cavaliers from Rosemont, Il.
In 1988 he traveled to NJ for the summer with a college friend to march with the Bushwackers. In 1991, he finally realized the commute would be shorter, so he picked up his life and moved from Texas to New Jersey.
Darrell has spent 21 years in DCA, 17 years as a performer and 4 as a caption head. He marched with Bushwackers from 1988-2000, returning in 2010 as the color guard caption head.
In his career, he’s won 7 DCA World Championships, 5 Best Color Guard titles, and numerous I&E World Champion titles.
He spent two winters marching with Just Class World Guard from Baltimore, MD. In 2002 he joined Blessed Sacrament World Guard from Cambridge, Mass. in 2003, at the age of 40, he was named captain of Blessed Sacrament, where he served until he retired after the 2004 season.
Darrell has a Masters in Educational Psychology and currently works as the Director of Volunteer Engagement for the Council on Accreditation in NYC.
It is with great pride we welcome Darrell Woodliff into the Bushwacker Hall of Fame.