Ed joined the Bushwackers in 1984. He marched and taught the bass drum lines in 1984, 1986-89 and 1991-93. In 1990, 1994 and 1997 he just taught the bass lines. In those combined 11 years, Ed was a pivotal part of 6 consecutive high percussion trophies and 5 DCA World Championships.
In those years the Bushwacker bass line was consider the best and most innovative in DCA. Everything from building and fielding various forms of “extras” such as octabons (1989), rack drums (1992) and, of course, the triple stack bass drums (1992-93).
In those years the Bushwacker bass line was consider the best and most innovative in DCA. Everything from building and fielding various forms of “extras” such as octabons (1989), rack drums (1992) and, of course, the triple stack bass drums (1992-93).
In Ed’s opinion, without certain key personnel, the achievements of the bass lines would not have been realized. And, while there were rotating personnel in the bass line over those years, Ed credits people who believed and trusted in him implicitly such as Rich Ramos, Scott Yuppa, Rick Krieger and Butch Laramie, were key. “I must say though that Richie and Scott were special in their dedication and contribution. Not to sell anyone short, but these guys had a special place in my heart.”
Ed views bass drummers as special individuals, even within the percussion section itself. Whereas, percussion music for the snare line is in unison, and the same is true for the tom line, percussion music for the bass line is one piece of music split 5 ways, but together is one piece of music.
As influences, Ed cites Ty Tyler of the Bridgemen bass line (1979-80) and Bob Dubinski, Bridgemen percussion instructor, as the two most influential personalities that made him into the player and instructor he was to become.
Ed joins his older brother John (Moon), Class of 2010, as the only brothers in the Bushwacker Hall of Fame. While they only marched one year together in the corps (1984), they are now together again in our Hall of Fame.

Ed joins his older brother John (Moon), Class of 2010, as the only brothers in the Bushwacker Hall of Fame. While they only marched one year together in the corps (1984), they are now together again in our Hall of Fame.