Sean joined the Bushwackers Cymbal Line in 1996. He would be a mainstay in the Bushwackers Percussion Section for the next 20 years either in the Cymbal Line or Bass Line.
After moving to Bush Bass for the 1997 and 1999 seasons, with a season in the Crossmen Cymbal Line in between, Sean began teaching the cymbals in 2000, and ended up needing to teach from “across the arc” as he jumped back in to fill a Bass spot. He remained in the Bass Line for 2001-2002, until we brought back “Bush Plates” in 2003.
After spending 2004 teaching DCI, Sean decided to give the Brass Line a shot (with some coaxing). Even though he hadn’t played a horn in 18 years and was basically starting from scratch, he marched Tuba, and earned the Hornline Member of the Year award.
By 2006 he was back with the percussion section playing and instructing the Plateline until to 2010. In 2011, with the corps struggling, he and the rest of the cymbals volunteered to move to the Bass Line and Pit in order to bolster those sections. Sean earned the 2011 Drumline Member of the Year award, making him the only Bushwacker in corps history to be Member of the Year in both the brass and percussion sections.
After spending 2004 teaching DCI, Sean decided to give the Brass Section a shot (with some coaxing). Even though he hadn’t played a horn in 18 years and was basically starting from scratch, he marched Tuba, and earned the Hornline Member of the Year award.
By 2006 he was back with the percussion section playing and instructing the Plateline until to 2010. In 2011, with the corps struggling, he and the rest of the cymbals volunteered to move to the Bass Line and Pit in order to bolster those sections. Sean earned the 2011 Drumline Member of the Year award, making him the only Bushwacker in corps history to be Member of the Year in both the brass and percussion sections.
In 2012, the Plates returned, and Sean led them to DCA Cymbal Ensemble Championships in 2012 and 2013. He continued to march in and teach the cymbal line through 2017.
Sean credits much of his success in the activity to his best friend JR Bechtel for encouraging him to join, and giving him his first opportunities to teach. Charlie Dolar for opening his eyes to what a serious cymbal line can accomplish, Ed Marino & Dave DeMello for inspiring the attitude and confidence of past great Bush lines, Nick Angelis & Thom Hannum for the opportunity to help develop a new Technique at Crossmen. Also, Alex & Genny Nielsen for always making the weekends easier for the out-of-towners, Marie Kaminek for convincing him he would be successful in the horn line, and Rob Thatcher and Mary Snyder for always being willing to help out the Cymbal Line any way they could. And most importantly, everyone who ever marched Bush Plates, because performing is fun, but the real reason he kept going back was to spend time with those friends.

Sean credits much of his success in the activity to his best friend JR Bechtel for encouraging him to join, and giving him his first opportunities to teach. Charlie Dolar for opening his eyes to what a serious cymbal line can accomplish, Ed Marino & Dave DeMello for inspiring the attitude and confidence of past great Bush lines, Nick Angelis & Thom Hannum for the opportunity to develop a new Cymbal Technique at Crossmen. Also, Al & Genny Nielsen for always making the weekends easier for the out-of-towners, Marie Kaminek for convincing him he’d be successful in the horn line, and Rob Thatcher and Mary Snyder for always being willing to help out the Cymbal Line any way they could. And most importantly, everyone who ever marched Bush Plates, because performing is fun, but the real reason he kept going back was to spend time with those friends.
Sean has always been known for doing anything he can for the Bushwackers, from teaching drill and lining fields to designing and building props. He has been an admin since 2011, providing professional printing services, graphics, and website design for the corps. In recent years Sean has been a person members of the corps look to for direction and responsibility. Sean exemplifies what a true Bushwacker really is and we proudly induct him into our Hall of Fame.